Address presented to
Bro. William Henry Johnson Mayers
P.Dep.G.M., P.A.G.M
District Grand Master of District Grand Lodge of Carpentaria
holding under
The United Grand Lodge of Antient
Free and Accepted Masons of Queensland 1924 - 1932
P.Dep.G.M., P.A.G.M
District Grand Master of District Grand Lodge of Carpentaria
holding under
The United Grand Lodge of Antient
Free and Accepted Masons of Queensland 1924 - 1932
By the Brethren of the District Grand Lodge of Carpentaria
Right Worshipful Brother,
On this, the occasion of your retirement from the Office of District Grand Master of the District Grand Lodge of Carpentaria, we the undersigned representing your District Grand Lodge and the thirty Lodges under your jurisdiction, desire to express our sincere appreciation of the magnificent and yeoman service given by you in promoting at all times the interests of Freemasonry in the Carpentaria District.
(note:"yeoman service" is a Middle English phrase that means efficient or useful help in need.)
By your personal efforts and repeated representations, consent by United Grand Lodge was given to the establishment of this District Grand Lodge, which was consecrated and dedicated on the 24th of April , 1924.
You were elected the first District Grand Master, which Office you have filled for the past eight years with dignity and to the general advantage and advancement of Freemasonry throughout this vast District.
During your term as District Grand Master you have worked assiduously to advance Freemasonry and under your careful and judicious administration you have succeeded in brining Masonic affairs in this District to a very high standard.
You have consecrated four Lodges ....... Tully 340, HIghleigh 343, Millaa 351, and Palmerston 372.
Your deep interest in the Lodges under your jurisdiction has been evinced by the frequent visitations you have personally made... there is not a Lodge in the Carpentaria District with which you are not in close touch and your Masonic knowledge, your tact and dignified treatment of the many and varied problems submitted to you have consolidated the respect and esteem which you had won when you were elected District Grand Master.
Your official visitations, which embraced the old established Endeavour No.26, the still more remote Norman No.56, and Sir WIlliam Wallace No.64, have stimulated their Masonic tenacity and courage and made them recognize that they were important units in a District throbbing with the desired Masonic spirit. Your visitations necessitated many thousands of miles of travelling and consequent long absences from home and business, but you have been, we are sure, amply repaid.... they have been, in no inconsiderable measure, instrumental in promoting a strong harmonious feeling, building up and cementing a cordiality towards United Grand Lodge and incidentally to District Grand Lodge and Freemasonry generally.
You have not confined your activities to District Grand Lodge Ceremonial work solely, but have also devoted considerable time and attention to the establishment of The Carpentaria District Aged Freemasons, Widows and Orphans Institution, which is now on a sound footing, and should be operative in the course of a few years. There is, we confidently assert, no page in the history of your long Masonic career which shines with so great lustre as your persistency in the advocacy of the claims of this Institution upon the thoughtful generous instincts of the Members of Lodges in your District. The Carpentaria District Aged Freemasons, Widows and Orphans Institution will be an imperishable tribute to your foresight, your solicitude, and your determination to bring to fruition the cardinal principle of our Masonic teaching. The Members in your District are sensible of the insight, outlook and point of view which actuated you in starting on a practical basis the ineffably rich and beautiful teaching of our Ritual.
Any tribute to your accomplishments as District Grand Master would fall short of adequate appreciation if acknowledgement of your skill, energy and perseverance in the establishment of The Masonic Peace Memorial Temple Fund were not expressed. Yours was the brain which formulated the scheme which proved the substantial financial basis for building up the project. Your energy has not abated, and we can confidently look to the establishment of that Masonic Peace Memorial Temple........"A Memorial Temple to those Craftsmen who sacrificed so much in the Great War and to the Peace which followed War and as a Memorial to the Union of Freemasonry in Carpentaria."
We rejoice to entertain the belief that although you have relinquished the Office you filled so honourably to yourself and satisfactorily to the Brethren your interest in your District will not suffer any diminution in warmth and enthusiasm.
Our prayer is that the GAOTU may grant you continued health and strength.
On behalf of the Lodges of the District Grand Lodge of Carpentaria.
Cairns, 30th June, 1932

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