Sunday, November 2, 2008


from the book "The Lost keys of Freemasonry or The Secret of Hiram Abiff"
by Manly Palmer Hall.

Your creed and your Craft demand the best that is in you. They demand the sanctifying of your life, the regeneration of your body, the purification of your soul, and the ordination of your spirit. Yours is the glorious opportunity; yours is the divine responsibility. Accept your task and follow in the footsteps of the Master Masons of the past, who with the flaming spirit of the Craft have illumined the world.

You have a great privilege - the privilege of illumined labor. You may know the ends to which you work, while others must struggle in darkness. Your labors are not to be confined to the tiled Lodge alone, for a Mason must radiate the qualities of his Craft. Its light must shine in his home and in his business, glorifying his association with his fellow men. In the Lodge and out of the Lodge, the Mason must represent the highest fruitage of sincere endeavor.

Table of Contents of the rest of this book:
In the Fields of Chaos
Temple Builders
The Eternal Quest
The Candidate
The Entered Apprentice
The Fellow Craft
The Master Mason
The presence of the Master
Masons, Awake!
Epilogue of the Priest of Ra
The Emerald Table of Hermes (Tabula Smaragdina)
Finish of the Tabula Smaragdina

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