Friday, September 12, 2008

The Mason`s Creed

The following "Creed" appeared in Mundo Masnico, the Cuban Masonic journal.

1. To be a Mason is to love Light, Virtue, Wisdom, Justice and Humanity.

2. To be a Mason is to love family harmony, concord among peoples, and peace for the human race.

3. To be a Mason is to forget the offences that are committed against us, to be good to our adversaries and enemies, not to hate anybody, to practice virtue constantly, and return good for evil.

4. To be a Mason is to preach tolerance, exercise charity, without considerations of race, belief or opinions, to struggle against hypocrisy and fanaticisms.

5. To be a Mason is to- be a friend of the poor and of the unfortunate, of those who suffer and of those who weep, of those who are hungry and thirst for justice, of those who propose as the only norm of conduct the well-being of all, their growth, and progress.

6. To be a Mason is to spread everywhere the divine lights of our Institution, to educate for the improvement of the Intelligence; to think about the most beautiful ideas of Law, of Morality, of Love, and to practice them.

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